Monday, August 8, 2011

Fingersticks, Carb Counting, and More!

Last Friday I had my appointment with the diabetic educator and dietitian at the Maternal Fetal Medicine office. As an OB nurse, none of the info was really new to me, plus I had done the same spiel when I had Alex, even though I wasn't technically gestational diabetic that time around...long story.  So, I basically knew what to expect. They gave me ideas for meals and snacks and told me when to check my blood sugar. The main idea is limiting carbohydrate intake, but still making sure I get enough to have a balanced diet. The main meal that I'm having trouble adjusting to is breakfast! I'm a cereal girl all the way, and that just isn't gone happen much anymore. I mean, I can have it, but I just have to limit the portion. Which is a good idea anyways, but you know...

So, when I wake up in the morning I check my fasting blood sugar. Then I check it again 1 hour after each meal. Yep, that's 4 times a day! Fortunately the glucometers they make now require very little blood, so I barely feel the fingerstick. So far my sugars have been very good and I've been able to follow the diet fairly easily.  It's really not bad at all, I just can't have whatever I want, whenever I want. Ah, well.

We're quickly approaching the 32 week mark and I can't believe it. I have to keep reminding myself that sooner than I realize D-Day is gonna be here (Delivery day, ha ha.)  I do love the anticipation of it, though. Would you believe that I'm toughing it out and going camping twice in the month of August? lol We don't have a bathroom in our camper, so this requires me to walk outside to the bathroom in the middle of the least twice...yeah.  How much does my husband owe me for this? ; )

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