Sunday, May 1, 2011

17+ Weeks...

I had my regular check-up with Dr. Bishop on Friday. Everything went great and I was in and out within half an hour. The baby's heart rate was in the 140's and sounded good. My blood pressure was fine and my weight stayed the same as last appointment, which is fine too.  I've never gained much weight with my pregnancies, which I'm thankful for because I gain weight easily non-pregnant. With my boys I gained about 20 pounds and with Grace I only gained 10. With each of them I lost about 5 pounds in the first trimester, which is true for this pregnancy too. So, I have yet to even gain back the 5 that I lost, but my doctor is ok with that and it's actually pretty common.

One new pregnancy "symptom" I started experiencing this week...Movement! I was really surprised to be feeling the little peanut already, I'm not sure why, but I was. This was about the time I started to feel movement with my boys, but with Grace it wasn't until about 22 weeks because I had an anterior placenta, meaning the placenta was at the front of my uterus and cushioned any little kicks I would have felt earlier.  I was excited to share this news with Sarah and Brian because it's such a reassurance.  I'm sure it's got to be such a good feeling for them.

So, the next appointment will be our mid-pregnancy ultrasound. It's scheduled for May 26th, so I'll be 21 weeks and 1 day pregnant. It's going so fast, especially thinking that we transferred this baby as a tiny little 3 day embryo back in January. And now it's May. Wow. It's gonna seem like I've been pregnant LOL

By the way, if you haven't noticed, I added a little poll to the right side of my blog for you to guess what the sex of this baby is. Please feel free to take a guess, I'm curious what you all think!

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